How Lonely are YOU?

Take the 2 MINUTE LONELINESS TEST. For each point below, score How Often You Feel The Way Described, using these numbers: 1=NEVER 2=RARELY 3=SOMETIMES 4=ALWAYS

How often do you feel unhappy doing so many things alone?

How often do you feel you have no-one to talk to?

How often do you feel you cannot tolerate being so alone?

How often do you feel as if no-one understands you?

How often do you find yourself waiting for people to call or write?

How often do you feel completely alone?

How often do you feel unable to reach out & communicate with those around you?

How often do you feel starved for company?

How often do you feel it is difficult for you to make friends?

How often do you feel shut out and excluded by others? 

Loneliness Test ~ Scoring

Add up your responses to each question. A score of 20 indicates Average Loneliness. 25-29 reflects a High Level of Loneliness. A score of 30 or higher reflects a Very High Level of Loneliness. 

UCLA Loneliness Test  © Dr Daniel Russell         #Lonely  #Alone  #Loneliness

To Help Beat Loneliness

FOCUS ON YOURSELF FIRST: you have to handle loneliness from a mental standpoint. Get to the root of your feelings. Get your own head sorted first, then you can begin to focus on other people.

GET YOURSELF OUT THERE: Stop Resisting and Move Forward, Get out there and talk to some-one NEW every day & you'll gain confidence. Talk to the bloke at the Newsagents or the Petrol Station. Talk to the guy/girl you're in a queue with at the Supermarket Checkout; they could be feeling just like you, who knows where it might lead?

DON'T COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHERS: We live in a wired world ruled by Social Media & Reality TV, both mediums that can make you think badly about yourself. Remember though, most of its fake, you're YOU, and its within YOUR POWER to make your own way in the World & not be influenced by these people.

 FIND PEOPLE WITH SIMILAR INTERESTS: The internet is great for this. Look for groups with similar interests and/or hobbies. Immersing yourself in a hobby will take away feelings of loneliness & give you new goals.

GET A PART TIME JOB OR VOLUNTEER: Retirement, Redundancy, Moving House, Losing A Loved One are all examples of situations that can take you away from familiar territory, friends & acquaintances; Part time work (it doesn't have to be too onerous!) or volunteering are excellent ways to Open New Doors.

GET A DOG: Or borrow one! Walking a dog is not only good exercise for you and your furry friend but one things guaranteed... you'll meet like-minded souls while out & about. If you commit to owning a dog, he'll give you unconditional love, and will always be there to welcome you when you get home; a great antidote for loneliness.

6 MAGIC WORDS: 'What Can I do for You?' take the onus off me me me and turn it around. You'll give off a positive vibe, attracting others instead of repelling them, Go try it TODAY.

DIG OUT OLD FRIENDS: Sometimes we drift apart from & lose contact with friends because of heavy work and/or family commitments. Privately we may regret this, but for all you know, these people might feel the same way about YOU! So get in touch, Re-kindle & mend old friendships where possible!

MAKE EYE CONTACT & SMILE! Granted you may have to work on it at first, but pretty soon it'll come more naturally. Be kind to strangers & don't be over-awed by the high fliers...They were born with the same set of emotions as you!

MOVE PAST SMALL TALK: Go beyond 'hiya' or 'have a nice day' and ENGAGE MORE. The person facing you may well be in a similar situation to yourself; We live in an age where more people are LONELY than ever before. What's the worst that can happen? They blank you, so keep trying, you WILL CONNECT more often than not!

4 Loneliness videos we think you'll like, Check'em out!

What is a Travel Companion? 

It's someone who accompanies you on a Holiday or Business Trip, OR who meets you at your destination in order to enjoy the location TOGETHER. 

What does #FlyMeToYou mean?

It's a Hashtag commonly used by high-end 'service providers' to advertise they're available for 'TRAVEL TO YOU' at your expense, usually by Jet

How much does a Travel companion cost?

Ranges from FREE with Shared Expenses, to 450GBP+ per day + Expenses [neg] for Full Service Travel Companion couples like us, PLEASE INQUIRE 

What does 'Seeking Arrangement' mean?

(joined up as in one word) is a term & Registered Trademark of the world's Premier Sugar Daddy match making site for wealthy benefactors & attractive guys & girls. 

Are there Age Limits?

We don't normally entertain or consider anyone under the age of 40. No upper age limit. 

Why Choose Us?

We've been entertaining men for nearly a decade Full Time so we're Very Experienced, Discreet, Positive & Professional, but most of all FUN! Geeze has worked in 28 different countries so he's World-Wise, Resourceful & Adaptable. and 'used to expecting the unexpected'.  We're both young for our age in Mind & Body with a wide range of interests, rest assured you'll NEVER be bored. That doesn't mean we need to be 'in each other's pockets 24/7! Sometimes it's nice knowing there's 'some-one there for you' even if they're not actually with you. Check out this little vid: 3 Key Traits of a Good Travel Companion!  

What are our main interests?

Fun in the sun! With YOU. We're both lovers of the Beach & the Great Outdoors & can easily draw enough from nature & our surroundings to keep ourselves amused. Other interests in no particular order include Relationships & Sexuality, Current Affairs, Business & Politics, Boating including Water-Skiing & Cruising, Aviation, Motorsport especially NHRA , Classic Automobiles, Americana, Dogs, Walking, Live Music especially Rock & Roll, Rockabilly, Classic & Country Rock, Dancing (her), Cooking & BBQ's, Reading, Writing & Blogging, Personal Development & more. What floats your boat? Tell us in an Email & Start A Conversation!


Are you beginning to IMAGINE where this all might lead? To form a picture in your head? You DESERVE to have a GOOD TIME. Think about each stage, VISUALISE it. The planning. The phone conversations. The expectation. The excitement. Meeting for the first time. Exploring NEW HORIZONS geographically & metaphorically; Sampling things NOT ON THE MENU AT HOME; things you might not normally be able to talk about with others. You'll find us open-minded & non-judgemental, comfortable in our own skins. Wouldn't you like to feel that way? To live life as your 100% AUTHENTIC SELF for once? Life really is short. So do something TODAY your future self will thank-you for & GET IN TOUCH. Take the first step by calling Minx or Geeze right now on +44 (0)7756-209560 (7AM-9PM GMT)

What is a Travel Companion? 

It's someone who accompanies you on a Holiday or Business Trip, OR who meets you at your destination in order to enjoy the location TOGETHER. 

What does #FlyMeToYou mean?

It's a Hashtag commonly used by high-end 'service providers' to advertise they're available for 'TRAVEL TO YOU' at your expense, usually by Jet

How much does a Travel Companion cost?

Travel Buddies, Mates and Backpacker types will often accompany others for FREE (with Shared Expenses), Carers & personal assistants range from 2-400GBP per day, whilst Full Service Travel Companions like us go out from anywhere between 600GBP to upwards of 1500GBP per day + Expenses [neg]  PLEASE INQUIRE

What does 'Seeking Arrangement' mean?

(joined up as in one word) is a term & Registered Trademark of the world's Premier Sugar Daddy match making site for wealthy benefactors & attractive guys & girls. 

Are there Age Limits?

We don't normally entertain or consider anyone under the age of 40. No upper age limit. 

Why Choose Us?

We've been entertaining men for nearly a decade Full Time so we're Very Experienced, Discreet, Positive & Professional, but most of all FUN! Geeze has worked in 28 different countries so he's World-Wise, Resourceful & Adaptable, and 'used to expecting the unexpected'.  We're both young for our age in Mind & Body with a wide range of interests, rest assured you'll NEVER be bored. That doesn't mean we need to be 'in each other's pockets 24/7! Sometimes it's nice knowing there's 'some-one there for you' even if they're not actually with you. Check out this little video: 3 Key Traits of a Good Travel Companion!  

What are our main interests?

Fun in the sun! With YOU. We're both lovers of the Beach & the Great Outdoors & can easily draw enough from nature & our surroundings to keep ourselves amused. Other interests in no particular order include Relationships & Sexuality, Current Affairs, Business & Politics, Boating including Water-Skiing & Cruising, Aviation, Motorsport especially NHRA, Classic Automobiles, Americana, Dogs, Walking, Live Music especially Rock & Roll, Rockabilly, Classic & Country Rock, Dancing (her), Cooking & BBQ's, Reading, Writing & Blogging, Personal Development & more. What floats your boat? Tell us in an Email & Start A Conversation! #JustDoIt


Are you beginning to IMAGINE where this all might lead?  To form a picture in your head? You DESERVE to have a GOOD TIME. Think about each stage, VISUALISE it. The planning. The phone conversations. The expectation. The excitement. Meeting for the first time. Exploring NEW HORIZONS geographically & metaphorically; Sampling things NOT ON THE MENU AT HOME; things you might not normally be able to talk about with others. You'll find us open-minded & non-judgemental, comfortable in our own skins. Wouldn't you like to feel that way? To live life as your 100% AUTHENTIC SELF for once? Life really is short. So do something TODAY your future self will thank-you for & GET IN TOUCH. Take the first step by calling Minx Or Geeze right now on +44 (0)7756-209560 [7AM-9PM GMT]

Here's What Others Are Saying About Us

We have over 210 verified positive but private reviews, Ask to see them!

Image of a Lonely Man we accompanied as Travel Companions


Retired Yacht Master, North West UK

"Relaxed couple, Keen to make sure I enjoyed myself, Hope to see them again"

Image of Lonely & Married 50 year old man we stayed with as Travel Companions


College Professor, Sussex, UK

"What excellent fun! Interesting smart people with a passion for their work"

telephone: 07756-209560


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